Saturday, June 11, 2011

Skiing 2011

We were on the slopes as much as possible this year. Even with Ashley's swim meets and Jason's field exercises we managed to have a great season..all grew leaps and bounds with their skills and there were no broken anythings..success!

Woohoo Hunter..he became quite difficult to keep up with on the mountain..a little daredevil and speed demon for sure

Jason's in the the views at Keystone
This is overlooking Lake Dillon...we had driven all the way to skiing (about 3 hrs) and Hunter realized he'd left his coat and his ski pass at home...we ate lunch and went home, taking a stop at this vista..a very sad Hunter stayed in the truck. Don't think he'll do that again.

Go Hunter!

Jason at Peak 7, Breckenridge

We stayed at Breckenridge for a week of spring break..amazing snowfall everyday..this day the powder was 16" deep. It took a little getting used to and we spent a lot of time in face plant position.

The truck got a mohawk for spring break..Jason was sweet to make sure a little avalanche didn't fall on our heads as we got only driving 5 minutes to get to the slopes

After a long, tiring day of snowboarding, the kids took full advantage of the hot tub

My Ashley at Keystone

She's so cute..little snow bunny

heading down to the ski lift at Breck with my partner.. the views are so amazing, I am easily distracted..definitely an ADD skiier