December was a pretty busy month..Jason and Hunter took a boys only hunting trip to Illinois and Kentucky..Hunter had a great time, learned a lot and even killed his first buck! When they returned, we celebrated Hunter's 14th birthday at an indoor amusement park and also managed to get in A LOT of skiing.

Hunter's first buck, killed with a muzzleloader at Ft. Knox, KY..it's head is still resting in my chest freezer..yuck.

The boys had a great time at Hunter's birthday party..pizza, video games and lots of fun rides..what could be better!

December was a great month for skiing...we ended up with 200% more snowfall than average for the season at the ski resorts...woohoo!

loved watching Jason "tow" Ashley and Hunter when we got to flat areas that their snowboards had no momentum on..Ashley was pretty good at hanging on to the back pack, Hunter went face first into the snow many times trying to latch on..too fun to watch.

One of my favorite runs at Breckenridge..it was an amazing snow day and a BLAST!

Ashley and I safe in our helmets...ready to hit the slopes!