Sunday, June 12, 2011

Busy May

May proved to be a very busy month... continued landscaping, Jason going to school for two weeks, being promoted to command sergeant major the day after coming back, home for a week before deploying for a year to Afghanistan, a quick visit from Jason's family ~ Troy and Mary Ann Tuten,  the end of track season for Hunter and the end of the school year for me and the kids
Hunter loved the 400 relay .
 a strong finish for him and handoff to the last runner..they came in first place!
 A very tired Hunter walking off that 400 sprint
 The track team praying before their last meet of the season
 We had a few nasty hail storms and tornado warnings to boot!
 Jason was home long enough to enjoy his outdoor grilling area..even got all the bbq necessities!
 We had a great time visiting with Troy and Mary Ann..can't come to Colorado Springs without a  visit to Garden of the Gods
 a little rock climbing with Grandma and Grandpa Tuten..
 Our first Tuten family photo!
 The Tuten grandparents flew back to FL and Jason began packing for always makes me sad to see his gear all over the living room, packing list out ~ it seems like he just got home. We will miss him so much!
A quick goodbye to Dad before taking him to meet the plane..the kids never like to go to drop him off..too hard to say goodbye there, easier for him to leave like he's just going to work. We start deployment # 4.