Sunday, June 12, 2011

Horseshoe anyone??

Our kids are too old for playground equipment or sandboxes, but I wanted them to have a place for fun activities..not in the beautiful new we decided on horseshoes. What do you do when you don't have  a grassy area for your pits to rest in??? You spend three days laying down weed block, digging pits, hauling almost 4 tons of crushed granite rock to prevent weeds from growing and not walking in mud and another 1.5 tons of sand to your new area by wheelbarrow...way more work than I had expected. I told the kids they better play horseshoes every day!  
 Hunter took it upon himself to surprise me with the construction of a sign for our new area..he did a nice job! We tried to hide the ugly green electrical box in the corner. I stained and painted "The Rootin Tootin Corral" on it..need to lighten up the lettering because it's hard to see from a distance.
 View from the side yard. We went with the ladies/junior distance of 30 ft between posts and 6' x 6' area for the pits
view from the deck