Sunday, April 12, 2009

Paintball for KIDS ONLY

Today was a blast! We took our friends from the FRG and had a private paintball party at Bellows. The kids did great- the only thing that could have made the day better was to have all the dad's home to play too. I tried to get some video of Ashley, but she played it safe and stayed hidden behind a building, sniping people. I don't think she got hit one time. Then she snuck out and I didn't even get any after-math video! Hunter is gung ho to buy his own paintball gun, he's hooked!!

After getting all dirty and sweaty, we headed down to the beach. Ashley was the only girl left, so they all chased her into the water. Fortunately for her, she was taller than the rest and could outrun them through the waves. It was a wonderful time for our families.