Thursday, April 16, 2009


So.....for the longest time Hunter has been waiting and saving for a paintball gun. He and Jason worked it out over the phone and ordered it last week. When we came home from paddle boarding today, it had arrived. Ashley got home before we did and she put the box in his room. She didn't tell him it had come, so when he went up to take a shower all I heard was Christmas-morning-like screaming. I knew what he had found.

He quickly broke into the box and slapped on all the gear. Already he is talking about accessories to make his gear better....boys will be boys....

After the excitement and putting all the beach stuff away, I headed up for my own shower. Funny thing was that the shower was still on; what do you know, Hunter never returned to turn off the water when he spotted the box. Cold shower for mom- paybacks are coming!