Sunday, April 12, 2009

Moanalua Valley hike

Today we took a 9.2 mile hike through the beautiful Moanalua Valley with some friends. There are 7 historic bridges at the beginning of the hike and the kids loved counting and running across each one. We veered off the path, as usual, and took a more interesting route. This was quite fun- we had to pay careful attention to the pink trail markers to stay on track. It was very muddy, we crossed the stream about 23 times (that's just one way), and got poured down on by the wonderful Hawaiian rain. The trail had beautiful wild orchids and ginger growing everywhere, which I had never seen before out in the wild.
The kids kept referring to this trail as swamp romp 2. Ashley was particularly funny on the return leg of the trip. She was soaking wet from the rain and had mud up around her ankles, but refused to just step through the tiny stream. In the picture she was yelling at me for not caring about her plight and trying to jump over the mud and water...I was laughing so hard I almost peed my pants. We did have a great time and am looking forward to taking Jason on this trail when he gets home. We didn't get a chance to make it to the top of the ridge due to rain and slippery rocks, we'll get that mountain top view next time!