Sunday, March 8, 2009

First Place!!

Hunter competed in his first biathalon on Saturday morning. We were up early and down to Waikiki for the event. It was a run, swim, run style biathalon. He was really nervous about in his first race competing by himself, but I told him just to do his best. The course (which was a full sprint the entire way) was on the beach- a 200 meter run in the sand, 200 meter ocean swim and finished with a 200 meter beach run again. He led the group the entire way and finished way ahead of everyone else. First place!!! He looked pretty green by the end and I thought he was going to hurl. He gave it all he had and it paid off. One of Hunter's good friends, Ryan, also competed in his age group and came in third place. We're looking to our next run on April 4th - the Ford Island Bridge Run 10K.