Thursday, March 5, 2009

AAAHHH Relaxation

So, after the morning spent in the mud, grime, sand and water, we showered and headed to Bellows Beach for a night in a cabin on the beach. Of course the winds were gusting to 35 mph and the water was chilly, but what beautiful scenery. We crashed early, I think we were all asleep by 8:30 pm and up at 6 am to watch the sunrise over the ocean. We could have fished from the back porch, that's how close the ocean was.

All of the activities we do actually make us miss Jason even more. We want so much to share every moment with him. I don't think we can take the boring life though- it's just not an option. Too much to see and do, we will just have to do it all again when we have him back at home. By the way- we are counting down to R&R- only 6 weeks to go!!!