Monday, December 29, 2008
Aloha Tower ferry ride
Sunday, December 28, 2008
kbay day-message to dad
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Christmas morning
This was our first, and hopefully last, Christmas without Jason at home and we are without family nearby. We went to the Christmas Eve candlelight service at church and played board games at home last night. We tried to link up with Jason to do the webcam and a speaker phone call this morning, but there were technical difficulties and he didn't get to join us. It was really frustrating and nobody felt like it was Christmas without Dad at home.
We surprised the kids with a Wii this year. They have been saving their money and even trying to sell their PS2 and all the games to get a new system. I caught their surprised reaction this morning and it will be one that makes us laugh for years. They were truly shocked and pleasantly surprised.
We were able to speak to Jason by IM later in the morning, midnight for him. It's funny the things we take for granted and find that the smallest gifts of communication with him mean more than anything that we could fit under a tree.
May God bless you and yours abundantly in the coming year! Live every day to its fullest and appreciate every moment you have with loved ones. We love you all. Merry Christmas!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Jason is safe
The kids and I are doing alright. We are in a routine, but everybody is grumpy. It's been raining a lot and we have been so busy. A lot of it is my own doing- I am the family readiness leader for the company Jason is in, so I have a lot of time spent organizing and meeting with the ladies so we can support the families. I have a terrific group of about 25 ladies who help me take care of the rest, so that is a HUGE blessing.
Thank you for thinking of us and praying for our family. Hopefully we will be smiling in the next pictures :-)
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Deployment Day
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Paintball Saturday
We spent the day at Bellows Beach. There is a beautiful beach, camping and paintball recreation area at this Air Force station. This was our first time doing the paintball and guess what???They are hooked! Ashley, Hunter and Jason got all geared up and headed into the gaming area. Someone had to stay out and take pictures and resupply the troops. I, of course, volunteered quickly. Combat is not my thing at all. They played a game of capture the flag and Ashley was just feet away from scoring 1000 free paintballs, when she took a hit. Too bad Ashley, what bravery! Ashley was good for the first game, but after three hits, she decided it was enough for the day and went to the beach with me and some good friends who live on that side of the island.
Hunter and Jason stayed for a few more hours and had a blast! They both took some painful hits, but I guess that comes with the territory. The bruises are monstrous today. Everyone is looking forward to coming back, but with a little more protection.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
to hear the video
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Kaneohe Bay
Monday, November 10, 2008
Advanced Open Water Class
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Kaena Point

Mack is 12 weeks old!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Diving date
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Ashley's Birthday

We grilled hamburgers and hot dogs and had lots of junk food to eat. All was well until it was time for cake...once the cake was cut, the smearing began. Almost all of the kids had frosting in their hair or on their bodies. One little one snuck under the table to stay out of the food fight. The fun and games were over when the lifeguards made them scrub the bathroom floor to get all the frosting off.
The pictures show what fall in Hawaii is like- a little rainy. We have to get the rain to keep everything lush. The temperature is in the 80's though.
What a fun afternoon! Family, friends, food and swimming.

Scuba diving 10/15/08
The deepest we went was about 30 ft. Hunter can't go below that until he is 12 (which is in 2 months). He can't wait.
Today was the only day this week that Mother Ocean wasn't going to pound us in the surf, so we had to take advantage. It is Ashley's birthday and we kept her out of school to go diving- I'm not sure if that will be excused or not?? She was pretty thrilled to be hanging out with us at the bottom of the ocean rather than sitting in a stuffy classroom.
We can now go out on our own and Jason and I will be doing an adventure boat dive within the next two weeks- most of our dates involve a movie or food, so this should be fun. It's the perfect date for men- not much conversation and no sharing of feelings- ha ha! We will try to get better with the picture taking. The colors of the fish and coral at this depth are pretty amazing, but you can't see that too well in the pictures. We are loving life in Hawaii!!!