This drizzly morning we decided to meet up with some friends and take my Jeep to Kaena Point to get it a little dirty. It was so slick out there today that we couldn't even walk the Jeep up the big rock. My tires looked like big chocolate donuts and we had mud everywhere including on us. How much more fun can you have???
We drove down to the end of the muddy trail road, parked and hiked in the last 1/2 mile to the point. This is one of my favorite places on the island. You are literally on the northwest corner of Oahu and can see both the Leeward and North Shore sides of the island. We got a special treat today too- a monk seal was sunning himself on the rocks in the shallows. He even lifted his head to give us a wink. How COOL!
Ashley decided it was a little too early for fun, so she and Mack stayed home and worked on some homework, at least that's what she said. When we came home they were snuggled up in a blanket.