Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Diving date

Jason and I had our diving date today. We took a two tank boat dive off the Waianae coast. Our first dive was to the Mahi Shipwreck and dove to 90 feet. This was the deepest dive we have made yet and frankly was a little scary at first. When we jumped off the boat and looked below I could see nothing but big blue ocean with no bottom. Talk about feeling small! We got down to the shipwreck and saw some cool fish, an eel, and some eagle manta rays. We only stayed down for about 20 min because of the depth, it would have been cool to stay longer. The color is gone because of the depth. We'll try shining a dive light in our pictures next time. (The eel sticking his head out of the steel tube is from this one)

Our second dive was in the Makaha Caverns. It is a favorite diving spot here on the island for many and I can see why. It was really interesting. It is basically an area full of lava tubes, which are like short tunnels that you can swim through. The tops are encrusted with coral and the fish are everywhere. We were able to see several turtles, an octopus (my first sighting of one!!), trumpet fish, a few eels, a frog fish (which looks nothing like a frog), unicorn fish, and even a white tipped reef shark. Our deepest depth was about 50 feet, so we were able to stay down about 45 min. We will definitely dive there again and hopefully next time with the kids. They were both disappointed they couldn't go. (The turtles and eel in the coral are from this dive)
I highly recommend date diving!