Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Scuba diving 10/15/08

Today was our last day of diving and we are now Open Water Dive certified!!! The dive master said we did a great job. Everyone was able to make it out of the surf without crawling ashore- a BIG plus from our last dive. We had a lot of fun and saw a ton of cool fish, to include a sea turtle and some baricuda. A cute little butterfly fish kept nibbling (really trying to give us a little underwater manicure) on our fingers while we were finishing our skills.

The deepest we went was about 30 ft. Hunter can't go below that until he is 12 (which is in 2 months). He can't wait.

Today was the only day this week that Mother Ocean wasn't going to pound us in the surf, so we had to take advantage. It is Ashley's birthday and we kept her out of school to go diving- I'm not sure if that will be excused or not?? She was pretty thrilled to be hanging out with us at the bottom of the ocean rather than sitting in a stuffy classroom.

We can now go out on our own and Jason and I will be doing an adventure boat dive within the next two weeks- most of our dates involve a movie or food, so this should be fun. It's the perfect date for men- not much conversation and no sharing of feelings- ha ha! We will try to get better with the picture taking. The colors of the fish and coral at this depth are pretty amazing, but you can't see that too well in the pictures. We are loving life in Hawaii!!!