Sunday, November 16, 2008

Paintball Saturday

We spent the day at Bellows Beach. There is a beautiful beach, camping and paintball recreation area at this Air Force station. This was our first time doing the paintball and guess what???They are hooked! Ashley, Hunter and Jason got all geared up and headed into the gaming area. Someone had to stay out and take pictures and resupply the troops. I, of course, volunteered quickly. Combat is not my thing at all. They played a game of capture the flag and Ashley was just feet away from scoring 1000 free paintballs, when she took a hit. Too bad Ashley, what bravery! Ashley was good for the first game, but after three hits, she decided it was enough for the day and went to the beach with me and some good friends who live on that side of the island.

Hunter and Jason stayed for a few more hours and had a blast! They both took some painful hits, but I guess that comes with the territory. The bruises are monstrous today. Everyone is looking forward to coming back, but with a little more protection.