Well, June was crazy!! We shipped all of our household goods off to Colorado and moved into a condo in Ko'Olina for the month. These are pictures of some of our best and worst days for the month.

A fun day for boogy boarding at Bellows

Hunter needed a turn on the skim board...asking may have been easier, but not as much fun!

Chillin' by the pool

My poor Jeep...we went for a hike and someone tried to steal itright out of the Costco parking lot! Good thing we were able to get it fixed before shipping to the mainland..almost $3000 in damages!

The kids thought it was really cool to be at a crime scene and our Jeep getting fingerprinted. I would have preferred a quiet drive home after the hike

How cute! We are hiking and some crook is trying to steal our car! At least we had a great hike

Hunter and Ryan on the Aiea Loop hike...that's H3 down below

We tried to end most days with a beautiful sunset