Hunter went to his friend Brantley's house for some mountain biking and a Jason, Ashley, and I headed out to explore the mountains a little. Our freshly adhered to the window state park pass was just begging to be used, so we headed to Mueller State Park. It's about a 45 minute drive from our house and a beautiful place to explore.

We saw a ton of cute.

We checked out a few hiking trails, we did see a cow elk, but she was running too fast for a picture. This is Pike's Peak in the background..We were hiking at almost 10,000 ft. elevation and felt it going up the hills!

The old Cheeseman Ranch, now part of the state park..beautiful meadows and mountains. It was a very peaceful hike.

Can't wait to come back and see the Aspen forests as they change color in the fall!

The cutest and most chatty squirrels live in Colorado...Hawaii has no squirrels, so it was a welcomed sight

Scenic outlook...Ashley was a leary of getting to close to the cliff edge.

Beautiful view of the Rockies!

After this long day in the park, lots of hiking and wildlife seen, Jason concluded that he loved Colorado...I think we're going to really enjoy living here!