Sunday, February 22, 2009

Can you say FUN!!

Today we took the FRG families on a hike to the Makapu'u lighthouse. We do one hike a month and this month's was a winner! Ashley didn't get her homework finished, so she wasn't able to come with us, sadly. We headed over this afternoon- about a 45 min drive to the opposite side of the island. This is a well known place to view whales and it didn't disappoint. We saw so many whales we stopped counting. By the time we were leaving Hunter said "alright Mom, enough with the whales"- have we been living here too long??
After taking the 1.25 mile hike up the side of the mountain we took some fun pictures and checked out all the lookout spots. Just amazing views. The two smaller islands off the coast are called Turtle island and Rabbit island. Huge and cool. We then hiked another 175 ft straight up to the old WWII bunkers for an even more amazing view. We could see Maui, Lanaii and Molokaii in the distance because the day was so clear.
On the way back down Hunter asked if he could run down the hill. He asks every time we go on a hike and I always say no because of safety reasons. Today it was on a paved road. I didn't really like the idea, but knew the question would persist if I said no. My last words to Hunter were "if you fall, just lay there and bleed; I'll be down in a minute". Of course not 30 seconds later Hunter is laying in the trail. I thought at first he was playing a prank, being the comedian he is, but this wasn't the case. He had busted hard- scraped arm, knee- YUCK! All the people walking down with us were at first laughing, then Hunter had a little swarm of girls around him, checking to make sure he was alright. He was a tough guy- one of the kids even asked if he ever cried. He made me take a picture of his wound for all to see.
We can't wait to take the whole family!