White jasmine was everywhere, amazing fragrance!

We made it to the top!

view from old Pali road

We're going up! This is where Ashley started to complain :)

Have tree, kids will climb. They were swinging from the vines like Tarzan and Jane

Hunter can't resist a good limb to climb

Likeke Falls, a great hike and terrific time with the kids

Ashley needed a hand up with that thumb spike hindering her climb

My hiking buddies!
This hike had plenty to offer- an old historic cobblestone path, a large variety of different foliage and sweet smelling flowers. We had nice snacks along the way-guava, strawberry guava, mountain apples, and avodcados to take home. We saw mountain, valley and ocean views, and a waterfall. It wasn't even too long, only about 3 miles. A great day of hiking...we'll be taking Dad here soon!