Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Day of excitement

Today was filled with activity. I took Hunter hiking the Koko crater, since I had promised to do it before school starts on Friday. It was thrilling and beautiful. He enjoyed the views and actually listened when I told him not to run down the mountain...."it was scary looking down", he said.
This evening was my last meeting as FRG Leader and it was bitter sweet. I have certainly learned a lot about people, the Army, resources, regulations, and myself; spent countless hours working my tail off and trying to solve problems. It has been an overall great experience and I was overwhelmed tonight when the ladies said their goodbyes. I had over 20 leis placed around my neck with hugs following...which was quite entertaining. I had to take them off just to eat my food and continue the meeting. Some really caring cards were sent my way, kind words were said and I felt so blessed and appreciated. They gave me some very nice gifts too! It was very sweet and thoughtful and they went to a lot of trouble to make it all happen. This was the best group of ladies that I have been stationed with and will miss being a part of their activities.