Sunday, January 11, 2009

Outrigger Catamaran

Today after church, we headed down to Waikiki for some fun with a few other families. We started at the Hale Koa pool, went on our first trade wind catamarn sailing trip (1 1/2 hrs of relaxing) and ended the day with a Cheesecake Factory dinner and walking around downtown in the evening. What a day!!
The catamaran was fantastic. We got to sit on the net in front. The water was only a few feet below us and it was gorgeous! The waves were pretty calm, but every now and then we would hit a little bump and the water would come splashing up onto us. The kids would squeal and laugh. It was so relaxing and the weather was perfect. This was my first time on a non-motored boat. Now I think I know what I want for Christmas next year, but I'll need a captain. Maybe Jason will be interested in the position. ha ha
The picture of the catamaran was our sister ship, it looked just like ours though. I can't wait to do this with Jason when he comes home. The views of Honolulu and Diamond Head were fabulous. We were hoping to see some whales today, but only saw a few flying fish. Maybe next time. Our walk back after dinner was so nice. Waikiki is beautiful at night. Kalakaua Ave. is full of shops, tiki torches and lighted tress. We are truly blessed to be in such a beautiful place.