Sunday, August 23, 2009

Stairway to Heaven (Haiku Stairs)

H3 from the summit
The bamboo forest we had to go through to find the trail head

On our way back down!

First platform overlooking Kaneohe Bay

Ashley is the tiny white speck under the highway, can you see her?

Beautiful views of K-bay

Going up?

The view coming down

We are on top of the Ko'Olau range

We're at the second platform

We're at the top, woohoo we made it!

Hunter and Mom made it to the top, jiggly legs :)

We're at the 2800 foot elevation, 3922 steps up, 3922 to go back down!

We all made it to the first platform, success!!

Hunter and Ashley at the first platform, H3 in the background